So, here I sit... it is nearly 2am. My 4 year old daughter is snoozing away in her room. My husband has gone to bed at least an hour ago. This was after we assembled the tree, plastic-wrapped our patio door, and put some lights up. Yet, this 38-year-old body insists on staying up and poking around on the computer all night like I was back in college.
I think I need a reality check.
I will be tired tomorrow.
And, the egg nog - although potent enough to knock out most, has not had any effect on me. sigh.
Oh well, late nights are when the creative weirdness emerges. Who knows what gem of brilliance will emit from this mind during these witching hours!!
Perhaps my fortune and fame are just one wink farther into the wee hours than I am ever willing to go.
Perhaps my millions are to be made in a bizarre anti-sleep study? Unlikely, but one can dream.
Still, I know that it is this lack of stability that renders me helpless on my weight control. It makes me tired, and fussy like a baby, and tempts me to eat the forbidden things which I can otherwise decline.
I think with all this said, it is time for me to sleep... brilliance shall have to wait for another opportunity.