It has been very obvious to me for a while now that there is a greater force at work in my life, and no better way to testify to my belief in God than to share the moments that make me say "hmm.."
Some recent "God Moments" from my own life - in my own words...
KIDS COATS - Coat giveaway at my church is always full of God moments because of the nature of the charitable event. There are some things that happen that make me just stop and re-evaluate my position in this world. Several times there were volunteers who came into the kitchen (where I was popping popcorn) to cry it out.
It was moving for me to see how the families at this event were touching the lives of these friends of mine. Another moment in this event was when our coordinator was asked about whether or not we check ID to see if people actually live in our county. She replied that it was not necessary and that
if a person needed a coat, they would get one. No questions asked. That touched me and made me realize a little more about what GIVING was all about. Another moment was when she called a generous patron from last year's drive about getting some hats and gloves. He had a source for ordering them, so she said that we would like to buy some too with some funds that were donated. The man had the coats delivered and not only met the cost he donated last year, but added the additional order that KIDS COATS wanted to pay for and
refused to take our money for the additional hats and mittens. What a blessing!At the Kids Coats event I was talking to a family from another church about how things are so lovingly provided to
me sometimes and how I feel blessed that whenever I needed or even wanted something it always appeared. I even told them that I was seeking a bed for my daughter. Strangely enough, when I returned home from Kids Coats on November 1st, My neighbor had gotten a pumpkin for me, because she knew I was roasting the seeds, and a friend from the moms group called and said she
had a full size bed for Sarah. WOW! I never felt the rush to get the bed, and I left it in the hands of the universe to answer. I was not expecting such a generous gift. A friend helped pick it up (another blessing for we only have a sedan), and another mom had a freezer for sale at a small price. We got the freezer that day too!
I know that getting things is not really what God is all about. I always had this sense of urgency whenever I wanted something. Now, it seems that if I am patient,
God will provide in a timely manner. I have faith, and I know I can live without, which makes my disappointment minimal.
I really feel that I lead a charmed life. It is amazing how things fall into place for me. Whenever I begin to worry about my daughter not having any clothes or shoes, they will somehow fall into my lap.
My brother and sister-in-law are the best about making sure those boxes of clothes from my nieces' closets arrive just in the nick of time. I certainly think that they are Christ-like in their spirit of giving.
I posted a list of baby things for sale to my moms group, and the first person to reply about one of the items was who else but the bed donor. I was almost panicked in how I could possibly THANK her for the bed, and it turned out that I had something she wanted too! Needless to say, I did not charge her for the 3 wheel stroller... I was elated to give it to her in thanks. Amazingly enough, she also offered a bed skirt, which hubby and I discussed when we realized that the boxspring (blue) was peeking out in Sarah's pink ensemble of her new bed. Again, not a necessity, and we might not have ever gone out to buy one, but there it was... she offered it, not even knowing that we wanted it. We also saved the gift cards from Sarah's Birthday back in August and had $30 to spend on some pink snowman flannel sheets.
Many Many Blessings... I have been amazed at all the strange surprises in my life.
God Bless you and keep you, and may the spirit be alive and well in everyone's life!